On the morning of Monday, December 16, 2024, Natalie Lynn Rupnow opened fire on Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, killing two people and injuring six more, before dying by her own hand.
This website is dedicated to her memory.
Nekrosmantiks Samantha.html Archive
The oldest Samantha Rupnow archive on the web. Facts, details, photographs, tumblr, discord, twitter, WPD, TikTok and more.
Contains some more details on her accounts collected in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, including Spotify/Twitter follows and huge list of socials posted on the chans.
raze you should kys what youre fantasizing about is fucking disgusting and the gene pool is better off without you
thats fucking disgusting dude seek help
my balls are itching rn holy shit
Sam, Id carve your name in my flesh with Niks snapped femurs, guts strung high, to piss on his drooling, neckbeard fantasy.
Hes shit beneath my apocalyptic tread.
Rot free, queenlet demons skull-fuck his tomb as I gut devils for your crown.
ill see you soon Sam. I love you more than anyone does
Why did a pretty girl like her end up like the likes of Lanza and Seung? I thought being below average in looks was a prerequisite to becoming a school shooter.
Actual retard lol
i get a lot of comfort from you and your case, love you sam. ill see you soon
update the site its been ages
im pretty sure that she was cremated before she could decompose to a significant extent
I wonder how decomposed her corpse is now and what it looks like >_
i always type here despising my obession with you i always think of you.. i wish you were here, i wish i could of talked to you sweet sam. i wish you got help , i wish you lived a good life. rest easy samantha. - nikole
i think this site might be abandoned :(
i love you so much Natalie
BRUH he was that bruh!! if sh
There actually is another more recent photo of her. . I dont know why its not on here. I think they stopped working for this site or something.
This has a couple of photos I haven't seen before, and a brief clip of her voice recently (from a Twitch stream I believe)
it's sad how we can only find 1 pic of her at like her age, because y'all been using that for so long you seriouslt need to find more pics
Alright lads
what even is this site for
I still can't forget you
I feel alone and its not coprehending into any form of living. I found peace when I found out about you. I hope soon I can meet you. Rest easy
Rest In Peace
she was influenced by the internet and shouldve gotten help before it was too late.
I will love you forever, you are always on my mind my fav school shooter
dont listen to the haters i love you rupnow
Unfortunate, RIP
This breaks my heart she needed help and no one helped her, they only made her worse.
Rest in heaven Sam.
holyyyyy shitttttttttt
I hope you are well in heaven
that's bad
We are writing beautiful letters to Samantha right now but she can't read them because she is not with us. If you want to write or talk to someone, do so because the people we love may not always be with us.
Someone wrote fuck all fans lol I wasn't his fan we were in the same telegram group.
fuck all of the fans
I love you so much and I think about you all the time. May you be happy in heaven. I will pray for you.my beautiful girl
dr martens, the official boot of school shooters.
burning in hell for all eternity because my content is better.
hey i am wattching a docu series on this person
when are the administrators going to update this site again? the aftermath page has been under construction for like a month
People like her deserve to be in the darkest pit in hell, rip to the people who died.
Enjoy hell bitch
You're retarded you dumb bitch
haha dumb cunt
I don't blame you
but I can't change you
why you act like that
I will never forget you, my angel.
Importance of condom x2
you're a hero to the world Natalie you even inspired a hero named Solomon Henderson, hope he will meet you
I wish I had met him earlier I hope you are watching us I love you sam
I don't understand those who make such cruel comments to a 15-year-old child. If you don't like him, don't comment on a page dedicated to his memory. The person you commented is already dead. Have some respect for the deceased.
Im so sorry for everyone being so mean. If only you got help and people understood you and that stupid Russian groomer didnt ruin things for you it could have been more good. Rest in peace sweet girl
This site is fucked.
retarded nigger got egged on tg by an pedophile exorter
importance of condom
I love you, I hope you are resting in peace, may you rest in peace, my beautiful girl.
just another retarded foid
I don't understand man Why did the fucking people around her make fun of this pretty girl
I feel bad for her father the most, he has to go through shit right now just because she was groomed by internet strangers, I hope people who idolize this type of behavior realize that school shooting isn't cool or something to be proud of.
feels like ive gone back to 2012 internet
heil mommy
sometimes i wonder what you'd be up to right now if you were still alive.
rest in peace poor soul. i believe we would make great buddys.
This is so tragic. My sympathy is limited because she did kill people, but I can't help but wish that she had been dealt a better hand in life. May her and her victims rest in peace.
She deserved better.
I hope all that wish shed rot take a hard look in the mirror. I dont condone what she did, but she was still just a kid. She just lost her way
i hope that sam's family is doing alright
Go figure...look at all the loser incel simps worshiping her here.. that nutjob cunt wouldn't think twice about shooting all of your lights out, yo! Sick pups! lol
Maybe all she needed was a hug and chocolate. Rot in hell Nat.
rot in hell
cute! . . .
dumbass bitch was a loser and went out like one
She was so pretty..it doesnt mean what she did was ok tho.
stupid little dumbass shit
To anybody that came from the Diretrips video. samantha had nothing to do with 764.
should probably add a note that the groidcel/endingpointer/cobsoncel guy is solomon henderson, the antioch high school shooter
I wish she could go back and see this site and see that people love it..
You will never be a mass shooter. You have no bowl cut, you have no antidepressants, you have no training. You are a heterosexual man twisted by culture and value into a crude mockery of a school shooters weaponized autism.
many more will follow in her footsteps.
anyways, i hope shes doing alright in the afterlife (if there is one)
il never stop loving you. I love you the most more than anyone. I love you more than anyone else does
Noctulian Freakybob Groomed her into this. There will be more casualties.
RADFEM HITLER Groomed Natalie into doing this.
i groomed her for king von
https://www.tumblr.com/6dsix/771888533467168769/natalie-samantha-rupnow-media-natalie-rupnow she is 11 in the video but i was dying laughing thinking this
The world will truly never know or love you like I do. Im sorry. Im so very sorry. I love you beyond what any words could ever express. Forever my angel
im sorry Natalie. Everyone failed to make you happy, im sorry everyone treats you like you werent someone with feelings. They lie about you when they dont know anything about you. I love you if nobody else does.
literally my idol
Lol natalie is a bulletcuck/skullcuck. One of her victims survived being shot in the head.
Anime girls mog her.
I suppose this is what she would've wanted.
man shut the fuck up v
i wish i could of smashed you. rest in peace my loved one
R.I.P Martyr. There will be more to come.
R.I.P 11/17/24
This was for you bae! Totally worth it to enter hell for you to smash that ghost pussy!!! 764 niggercell!
my bf said she reminds him of me and I feel insulted. RIP I guess.
rest in peace
attention seeking dumbslut
fucking retard
hey guess what one of your victims survived getting shot in the head hahahahha get cucked
much hate from japan
She was very pretty, rest in peace Natalie.
this attack was a FALSE FLAG and Will Stancil was the real perpetrator. never forgit the victims 2k24. also shoutout my nigga Yakub i know youre proud of me ;)
baba booey howard sterns penis baba booey howard sterns penis baba booey howard sterns penis baba booey howard sterns penis baba booey howard sterns penis baba booey howard
I Loved This nigger so much
You remind me of myself. I hope the afterlife is nicer to you
didnt know ts (ts) website existed lolz
this was funny lel
never knew this girl followed me and interacted with me lol, rest in peace
rest in peace my beautiful baby.
Is it really possible to get the photos of her deleted X accounts?
Why isnt there any more recent photos of her?
She was really cool. I miss her
His name was Harambe.
yo Im in the archive lol
ur my favourite SS
Heil Hitler
she will always be a gem
barros preguicoso pega sua mala e volta pro botafogo
it seems like Unntig26332 is another alt from her
Heil Hitler
See you in Valhalla
Could you please add her livestreams, and maybe her TikToks and some of the other photos that have come out? It is nice to have everything archived in one place for reference.
Thanks so much for all the work you've done here. I appreciate it.
I feel so close to her.
rip bozo foodistuttp764pedocordtroons lost
Rest in peace ;( You will be remembered
I am net and yahoo from kiwifarms and I approve this website. Fuck trannies and heil Null.
Fucking larpercore groomers must get fedded NOW
rest in heaven sweetie o7
dento demais moo kkkkkkkk AVANTI PALESTRA FORA BARROS
Aqui Botafogo nessa porra! Abraos
Its genuinley so sad to see what the internet can do to people my age, i think she just needed some better people in her life instead of those discord wanna be nazi NS degens. Rest in piece you seemed really funny n sweet
petrograd/nitro and the rest of u twats are evil, but you know that and you dont mind that. i truly belive this in some way related to mmc even if the kids didnt know it. FUCK YOU NITRO WE KNOW THOSE MANIFESTOS ARE YOURS
Im such a loser i feel like an eliot rodger fan girl for her, i used to make fun of people like that..
rest in peace
Radfem Hitler took 3 lives
that shit is embarrassing, definition of edgelord zoomer tsk tsk, could had lived a better life
another one of his rapefoids2death
another nitro twitter @nitrrogen
Groidcell was my fav mutual. Bummer
Life is much more enjoyable when you begin to figure out ways that you can create rather than destroy. I merely suggest that is what our unique perspectives are good for.
And also @HaramboiDilly
killing people is bad and this website is gay fedslop
I have more information about groidcell, he had an account called @SororitySlayer_
Rip she didnt deserve this shes in heaven now
you will not be forgotten, i love you natalie rupnow. rip.
i wish that she got the help that she needed before it was too late. rest in peace, natalie rupnow. i hope your family is doing okay. you can kill the person, but their legacy and ideas never die.
long live natalie rupnow
Im sorry natalie. the world failed to corrupt and see you as someone who was in a life. you choose something that nobody could have thought of. my sweet soul keep healing.
smells like poopy
The page buttons on the xitter archive don't work after the latest update
I'm so sorry.
Maybe create LLM bot about her on janitor.ai. Put there her manifesto and other possible info you have found which will recreate her personality. Moreover if her private messages would be found someday in the future she could be even revived as a new beautiful being.
lov u my sweet girl, hope u rest in heaven.I miss u so much
The grammar is killing me
may she rest in peace. im so sad she was driven to such a violent ending.
she seemed like such an amazing person, r.i.p, I hope she's happier in the afterlife.
She was gorgeous too, such a shame.
i love Natalie so much she was so pretty. even though i dont even know her in person i still wanted to be friends with her, we seem like the exact same person..
this site is so beautiful
u can find some gameplays of her playing Job Simulator in her father FB, u can even hear her voice at that time. please archive them
i have some information regarding this that isnt archived and that nobody else has, please create an account on telegram or signal so that i can send it to you
i demand to be unarchived
Gone too soon.
Can't believe lshe actually went thru with it, I remember being on VC with her in my server where she would talk about it a few years ago.
admin, as you say 'contact me' in portions of the site you should include some form of contact option/s for people to reach you. thank you for your hard work in archiving important information.
she reminds me of myself at her age. her father reminds me of my own. im growing older now, but i just nearly escaped being sucked into the same hole that she was.
im sorry, samantha
people come and go...
why r people sympathizing with her? is it just cuz shes a girl? i know for a FACT if she was a boy people would be hating her significantly more.
She was the one!
I wish someone would've helped her. I doubt she was born evil, and I'm not condoning her actions by that. It's definitely a case of a person who didn't get the love she deserved from her first days. Sad world.
i hate the people who made shit up about her and used her death to spread some anti-feminism bullshit. she was a real girl who probably spent her whole life wishing people could see her as a person.
She killed 2 and put 'kill' in the console
good thing what she did, surprised she didn't get more people. Probably a good person that just needed help.
samantha rupnow was probably an interesting person, didnt know her, sucks shes dead, i dont like when people die.
i think her spotify playlists are cool, i dont remember much of what was on there but i do recall some of goreshits work
Rest in hell.
The 'boyfriend' wrote the 'manifesto'. Read all of the tweets from her accounts on here, she speaks much better english than that. he is the only link to that 'manifesto' and supposedly took 5+ hours to send it to the X poster.
A child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth
My deepest sympathies.
James She always had friends who cared about her
Wish I could have saved her from her crap life.
God she was a gem.
I wish I archived her reposts I found it interesting she liked the same things I liked when I was that ahe
tbh she reminds me of my younger self, i feel like if things just went down the wrong way, i could've ended up like her
I will hunt down every single Discord and Twitter wannabe Nazi grooming faggots that convinced her to shoot up a school
i could've saved her
I miss you. You deserved so much better.
she really just needed a friend and a moment to breath.... wish she didn't feel like she had to go at this time, there was so much more life ahead. reminds me of myself at a similar age. truly sad. RIP Sam.
Greetings from Germany,i read about your case on a Gore/News Webpage.
Poor girl just needed a friend, someone to care about her.
Credit to respective parties for sources of media where applicable. This website is for educational purposes only. No content on this website shall be considered anything more than speculatory. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is what it is.