Pictures and Videos

Here are all the publicly available pictures of Samantha Rupnow known to date. Some were published by news outlets and journalists in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, some where shared by friends, and some by herself. Arranged in roughly chronological order. Credit is given where the source is known.

Many of the early-life pictures of Samantha courtesy of @6dsix.

click on a thumbnail to open the full-size picture

Samantha with her mother and father at the hospital, the day after she was born. FB
Home from the hospital. This picture was one of those widely shared in the immediate aftermath. FB
Age 2, operating a hydraulic earth drill. FB
A nearly 3 year old Samantha wearing a crafted headband made by her mother. Mellissa sold these handmade crafts in Arts & Crafts groups on Facebook, as well as operating her very own (now defunct) Etsy & blogspot. @6dsix
The same backyard as her now infamous photos. This image was used in a digital 'birthday card' by Samantha's mother. @6dsix
April 2014. FB
November 2014. This image was published four days before her 5th birthday and was featured in the same digital birthday card as her earlier photo. @6dsix
Samantha at Samuel Gompers Elementary School. @6dsix
Looking out to the ocean. @6dsix
June 2015. Comments on the original post suggest Samantha is recovering from a broken arm. FB
Looks like FUN!!! Summer 2015. FB
Samantha with her parents after achieving Purple Belt rank. October 2017. FB
November 2022. FB
November 2023. FB
An earlier selfie shared by Samantha's e-boyfriend to Anna Slatz (@slatzism). Original date uncertain.
Credit to @archivaltrigger for enhancement of the original published by A.S.
Original source and date uncertain. This version shared by @MrAndyNgo.
Target practice at North Bristol Sportsman’s Club, with the now iconic KMFDM HELL YEAH Tour T-shirt in homage to the legend Eric Harris. August 17th, 2024 (source).
The first picture many saw of Samantha. Source and date uncertain.
The morning of. Posted by Samantha December 16th, 2024, at 10:45am.

There are a couple other pictures circulating that are featured in various edits, but these are of another girl named Natalie in the same class. They are kept here for completeness.

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Facebook Livestream Videos

Credit to @6dsix on tumblr, the original finder of these videos!
Check out their original Tumblr post and Google Drive archive for more information.

For Christmas 2020 Samantha's father got her an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. On 19th February 2021 she livestreamed some gameplay of various games on Facebook Live. In these videos, Samantha has a chirpy, curious demeanor, far from the nihlistic melancholy that would pervade her final years. To date, these are the only known publicly available clips of Samantha's voice.

The videos are listed in order by the time the livestream started (the 'time posted' on facebook). Times are in Wisconsin time zone.

time (pm)durationdownload links
7:35 2'52" fb mega mediafire
7:38 30'16" fb mega mediafire
8:11 15'51" fb mega mediafire
9:53 47'30" fb mega mediafire
10:52 15'15" fb mega mediafire

More detailed analyses of the videos and transscripts is being written and, will be here soon.