welcome to the crossixir.com x/twitter archive
Welcome to the Twitter/X archive on crossixir.com, where you can see the preserved knowledge and wisdom of the Abundant Life Christian School shooter and related accounts.
A number of tweets were saved in public archives before the accounts were made private or suspended. This page aims to make them easily available to anyone interested in the backstory and aftermath of the shooting, Samantha and those closest to her, and how it all came together.
DISCLAIMER: content of this page is based on publicly availabe archive sources, so is limited to what was saved in those sources. In particular for now, text only. Some accounts do not have all their tweets, especially if they were privated at any point. There is nothing here that is not already publicly available elsewhere. For more information how this site works, scroll to the bottom of the page.
- alexxndxr (followed by Sam)
- Asukaunderneath
- autismmaxx (followed by Sam)
- chudmountain_ (followed by Sam)
- Cobsoncel (followed by Sam)
- Crushed_Head
- Egarhrtdc (followed by Sam)
- Endingpointer
- Groidcell
- juckt41313
- Postalbrained
- retardwriting (followed by Sam)
- Rotten_Rc
- Severd_Head (followed by Sam)
- SororitySlayer_
- thvgarthian
- Unntig26332 (NEW)
- VrilWilhelm (followed by Sam)
more to be added whererever sources exist ... get in touch if you know any others should be added
linked tweets from other users:
click show/hide
- 01bunn
- 01Soru
- 03042019_
- 0_7_user
- 0iwanger
- 0uilleguist
- 0x49fa98
- 0xAlaric
- 0xEvisu
- 0zmnds
- 10DowningStreet
- 12Avtomat
- 1300PlagueDoc
- 13847as
- 14_tuscon_88
- 14Fraktur88
- 14loser8
- 14Maya83
- 14Maya88
- 14Maya_83
- 14shooter_Maya
- 14Words__
- 1547_1917
- 161mio
- 1776General_
- 1915deserved
- 1934ONR
- 1_purgatory
- 1id10t0
- 1msorussophobic
- 1nc3stlvr
- 1the_notorious
- 1wRide50446
- 1xPython
- 2024bemykino
- 202accepted
- 20bansgroyper
- 20shooter83
- 22ndCentJacobin
- 2_anonymou37267
- 2edgy_4yu
- 2fast2furios
- 2ndKanrei
- 2ndLipka
- 2ndLipkaTatar
- 2terrific4you
- 2trans4u
- 2zenin3
- 333nie
- 333Nigga
- 333suigintou333
- 333ZoV
- 347I34805664761
- 3chmid1
- 3letter_
- 3ShibasInASuit
- 3XOG3
- 3YearLetterman
- 41Volker_
- 4_frenz
- 4chanGoat
- 4dollahbill
- 4evayoungnweird
- 4everyonearound
- 4gneyastra
- 4L3x_sm1thhh
- 4nn4ss
- 4zweno
- 50YearsAgoLive
- 51killstreak
- 53EK_
- 666_mancer
- 6_grey_9
- 74R74R_S4UC3
- 777_Dizzy444
- 77idiot77
- 77sublimeSG
- 7CjqbPxnUQ10303
- 7deok7
- 83Maya15
- 88anidiot88
- 88hatercel
- 88NiggerHitler
- 8EyedEel
- 8Maya_McVeigh8
- 8NaristWaffen8
- 90sPiictures
- 9M728
- 9mm_smg
- 9trevv
- _100_C
- _____qx0w
- _____TMG_
- ____qx0w
- ___qx0w
- ___yuu_yu
- __LandLubber__
- __qx0w
- __Sirens__Song
- __SoulStealer_
- _Brunette_Luvr_
- _BrunetteLuvr
- _callmebigdaddy
- _celinyan
- _Darthsoldier_
- _deathbycop_
- _diejanniedie
- _dipski
- _ersin8
- _forrester__
- _GlantonGang
- _goth_moth_63
- _jeeet_
- _kittyzai
- _LvdovicHV5_
- _meliach
- _melinaed_
- _mymsgs
- _nahnotreally_
- _rawrell
- _Rei_PL
- _shwabade_
- _trident666_
- _UnluckyRodreas
- _Uscha
- _VanDeRante
- _vinyard_
- a678456193
- A_Lindh_
- a_westgate
- AAdlerrrrrrrr
- aaia_
- aamichalik
- AardReturned
- aaronjmate
- AbdurehimGheni
- Abellcymeg
- abislvr
- Absolunar
- AbuAlMiqdadProd
- abusillygoose
- AbusiveHis91373
- AC2802M
- AceHellscythe
- aceoniichan
- ACertainCat76
- acheronix
- AChevyWolf
- aciddycupz
- AcidHitlerite
- AcidVatGroyper
- ack_r4tards
- Ackingman212
- acnewsitics
- ActiveClubNO
- actuallgabb
- actumsactum
- Actvm_
- adamasaclyde
- AdamicSon_2
- adarxdd
- AdinUpdate
- AdolphsonFalkk
- adrian116175497
- adrikfsb
- adultswim
- adventuremaxx
- adxtour
- Aeonic138704
- AeonicArkeal83
- AeroViro
- AetiusRF
- afhasbara
- AFpost
- AfricanDNBAid
- AfricanHub_
- AgarthaJim
- agarthangoyim
- AgarthanWarlord
- AgarthaOblast
- agastya_rai
- AGCast4
- agent_milligan
- agiosocolumbine
- AGM119Penguin
- ahm3tcena
- ahm_victor
- ahmetturkog
- Ahn6618
- AHooligan13
- AintTexas
- Aion1st
- ajans_muhbir
- AK74respecter
- Akatuki1114
- akemicel
- AkitoTheZoo
- AkkadSecretary
- AkshatJi431363
- Al_Fredo3
- AlanDersh
- Albanianismvs
- AlbertSzpeer
- AlboMomentz
- alcoescapist
- AlejandroA94408
- Aleksandar88338
- aleron74958
- Alex_Oloyede2
- AlexandraCurls
- AlexeiChadnik
- AlexNovi
- AlexZap14
- AlexZarkage
- ALF4Prez2020
- Alfaiomi
- AlfredThom10
- Algeria_FC
- AlgeriaIsFrance
- algesiologe
- AlgTroller_
- ali_naka
- Alice14_88
- Alkibiades_
- all_my_loif
- Allahinohio
- allahisbaphemet
- allpigsmus76163
- allpigsmus76164
- allreactionvids
- AlmightyCoinFT
- almost_cooking
- AlNiaziOfficial
- AlNiaziTheSecnd
- alob_e
- aloegysti
- Alternatecurre
- amalakite
- Amazingeye55
- america
- American2134
- AmericanaAesth
- amerpipedream
- amie_manul
- amirahahhmed
- AMLOgamer
- amongolian23
- amonicus4
- AmoPrezente
- Amorphous_one
- amournoir88
- amputatedleg21
- AmritsarCanibal
- AMujahadin
- an_idiotic_toad
- Anarchbayan
- Anarseldain
- anatoliisharii
- Anc_Aesthetics
- AndreasKoureas_
- AndreGA_Pe
- AndrewHoneypot
- AndrewMansell2
- AndrewYang
- andriyhaydash
- andrzejewski_jk
- Andy34469698223
- AndyjackV
- anfrywk
- Angel346874531
- Angel5417358866
- angelic__lies
- Angelvergessen1
- Angiepants
- AngloDixie
- anglosaxon1989
- angrydolly
- anikin_vsevolod
- AnimeBallSnot
- animefan6121
- AnimeSerbia
- Animuwrangel
- anisafeminista
- Anna_M_Dyner
- annaliznichols
- Anniichuu
- annoyingincel
- AnnYeahAnn
- AnointedWetod14
- anon76232
- anonbirdd
- Anorselda
- another_ju78675
- ANRus_
- anstan0315
- antagonistic___
- AnteaterAshley
- Anthony01416438
- AnthonyCumia
- anticarsls
- AntiGermanic
- AntiHateComms
- antihumanterror
- antiochianorth
- Antiochus191
- antireportcuck
- antiweebta12160
- AntLicki
- antoguino
- Antunes1
- AntyKonfiarz
- anyamrch
- AokoSneeder
- AOpuesta4572
- aordecai
- ApathyEdelweiss
- apocalypticwig
- ApollonianRaWa
- ApollosValor
- Apostokles
- ApX47Glock
- aquarium_sora
- arabianguts
- arabmantouchyou
- ArabOrganEater
- AraciEagleIV
- araysaaas
- Arbogast357766
- Arbys
- Arc_5O9
- ArchaExplorer
- Archangel_Mio
- ArchGermanic_
- archi_tradition
- Architectolder
- architektfemboy
- ArealsigmaMale
- Arek_ZdWola
- arijetashaqiri
- AristocraticEND
- Arkanjel
- Arkanovi1992
- arkas543
- Arkealsmites
- Arktos_Hoplite
- ArnoldFan37
- ARRIBAE14445034
- arrovvhead
- ArsenyN36035
- ArslanIshak
- ArslanKhagan
- Art444Star
- art_is_found
- ArtCelineLove
- ArtClauzel
- ArtemAksen94614
- arthoefootjob
- ArthurClaudeen
- ArthuriaPend777
- ArthurM40330824
- Artist_1917
- ArtorOtherThing
- Artyoxent
- ary_is_cool
- arya_natura
- Aryan__HQ
- aryan__neet
- Aryan_archives
- AryanCedry
- AryanEvil88
- AryanIsrealist
- aryanmujahid88
- AryanRaypist
- aryantrenmason
- arycoolboy
- Asad1850
- Asad18500
- AsadalGroyp
- AshaLogos
- AsianDawn4
- AskonFraser1488
- askuanyan
- Asow_Freunderl
- assalamala1kum
- asteraex
- astraiaintel
- astralbaes
- Astro_Eggcelent
- asukahourly
- Asukal0vehitler
- asukaphile
- AsukaRaypist
- asukcel
- AtamanIsoir
- atavicguy
- atgm239
- AtheistsL
- AthetosMelkor
- AtlanticistPaki
- ATLASmk5
- AtomicalTaiga
- atosaido
- atovomik
- AugustusBack1
- AuntySlayerKlin
- ausssie_groyper
- Australianmaybe
- AutarchErebus
- autismchud
- autismmaxed
- autistic_soldat
- AutisticKaorin
- autisticsoldat
- AutistNat14
- autistocrates
- autoass
- autumndruidess
- Avaakkk3
- AveriRapeKek
- Avgazrvic
- AvianRacist
- avllied
- AVO_reborn_02
- awakenedpoland
- AwakeRealist
- awdhabit
- aWomanWondering
- awoo1989
- awsiiq
- AxiomofVoid
- AyanamiDaily
- Ayanamipicsbot
- ayeejuju
- aykiricomtr
- aysenlesme
- AzatAlsalim
- AzeriTimes
- Azores1939
- azov_media
- Aztecaryanblood
- AzumangaFascism
- Azumangan
- azuremp3
- AzurLane_EN
- B00tes
- b1P0cBvrn3r
- B7Willem
- Baba_podll
- babahoshii
- BabakTaghvaee1
- babiyarbeast
- Babygravy9
- Backagainpart37
- baddiesglobals
- BadgerRive64314
- BadGoyim263495
- baethelcat
- BailMay59520
- bakedsnack65
- BalticGerman88
- balvedax
- BanjoFrogAlex
- bannedgroyper23
- BannedVidzs
- BantuGroyp
- Barbarian323
- barbaricvitalsm
- BarbaryLion48
- BardeTaliesin
- BarendStrydom88
- barnabus__s
- BarnsGpull13738
- BarnsGpush
- baronitaigas
- BaronofSynth
- barrystantonGBP
- bartavgusto
- bartigula1861
- Bartimperator
- Based_ARK
- based_eva
- Based_Italic
- BasedBurger4654
- basedhdmii
- BasedKartveli
- basedloverA
- BasedlyCoping
- BasedRPG
- basedrvssian
- basedstationn
- basedsyriangirl
- basedukas
- Basedzitter
- basic_chanel
- BasierterOtter
- basmachyJam
- BasoHQ
- BastardGel22607
- BastianBosse1
- bathcatclassic
- Batrak_Primus
- BattleboyA239
- Bayer444
- bayhgel
- bayonetbastard
- bbennctt
- BBSDoorGameHero
- bbsternibackup
- BCagger058621
- BCagger058646
- BDjecko35913
- BDSixsmith
- BearPosting
- BeastBughaFN
- Beesechurger102
- BeetrootEnjoyer
- BeheadNiggers51
- beigepilled
- bel0km3n
- bellanbveh828
- bellasphemy_
- Belle_D09
- beloved___angel
- Benedito_M_
- beniiyormayin
- BeniJ93217234
- benita_regardso
- BenitoPepolini_
- bennypilledhh
- benonebo
- beowyfe
- berk2009_2009ho
- berkedmrll
- berkovicmd
- Bernyflapjack
- bertkreischer
- BeRuzzia
- bestwildclips
- BeutelundBlut
- Beyderpeyi
- beyoncegarden
- beyzipsg
- BGatesIsaPyscho
- bgehob3n
- Bharatiya_4
- bialyusmiech
- biblioclast2034
- biggballsack_0
- BigMamFloyd
- BigMouthPrickkk
- Bigqadi
- bigsausev57
- bigsnugga
- bigstinko_
- bijoubones
- binance
- binkiepilled
- BIPOCracism
- birdcagelullaby
- BiruniKhorasan
- bis_coe
- BiscoffWaffen
- BitecoferStan
- Biyuyukoo
- Bjarmianchud
- bjesley
- BjorkBrodern
- Black_Pilled
- Black_Revenge88
- blacknredtext
- blackorca32
- BlackSeaTsardom
- BlakPantherBabe
- blasted0n
- Bleached_AVP
- BleakerTimes
- BleaklungArty
- blephin_
- blitzwave1
- blixberrie
- BlondieRoger
- BlondSwarthoid
- BloodBoots88
- bloodnyaaaaa
- blub_bloop
- Blue_eagle_LDPS
- bluejay1800
- bluejay18000
- bluejay18retvrn
- Bluejay6mil
- blugloaddict
- blutstammbleagh
- BLw7YC9kypEHVOt
- bmcarthur17
- BMplusLegions
- bobbiegalore
- BobbyForever98
- bobtulian88
- Bocchi_is_me
- BoilAfricans
- BoilNiggers
- bokiverse
- Bolek27980477
- bomb_mexico_now
- BombasticBombas
- BomiTheArtist
- boom3igga
- boomniggar
- boonchibaby
- boostersnearme
- bootleghinata
- BorealBaron
- Borealian14
- Borealian185385
- Borednboring55
- Borelian8888
- BorgFellaQueen
- BornLik23266
- BornToKill_A
- Borschzsalom
- bosniaCELL
- boss_on_here
- bossxplosive
- bouncingbooty54
- BountGrapecell
- BowdenBot
- BowesChay
- box_box_you
- boxcuttter
- boy_illu
- BoydsRapeShirt
- bpthaber
- Bradley_X_2000
- Brandonx5280
- Breach_Of_TOS
- Breadmans_Maps
- Breaking911OnX
- BreastMilkEnjyr
- BrendanDaGawd
- BretagneCelt
- briana__gomez
- BrianAlber15395
- BRICSinfo
- briefeulemusic
- brndxix
- BrockDiaries
- broken
- brokencog22
- bronzeagebuck
- BronzeAgeFascio
- bronzeagemantis
- bronzeageshawty
- BronzeAya
- brozef_
- bruhthirdacc
- Brunette_Luvr_
- BrunetteHATER
- BrunusPortucale
- brycelar7522706
- BTBMChud
- BTony5500
- bu_5t
- BuabiB93049
- BubbabastardV4
- buckadeath
- BuckeyeGreen
- bug_mongus
- bunjorine
- buqidisnereye
- burgundian_48
- BUsmiech88
- bussypounder215
- ButletDers
- buxdahude
- BuzimskiDrainer
- buzzaltyear88
- bvckbreaker
- bvckbroken
- bw9696
- bx_on_x
- bxpxnclp49181
- c0mmiemilf
- c1nnamonbunny
- c1ty_hunter
- C2W8339413
- c4tma4sk_
- cacademon_
- CAChalmers_
- CachetMarie
- caelestis_maxi
- caelus2007
- caemvndus
- Caimvndvs
- caitoz
- CalcetinLetal
- calcified_X3
- Calcifyy
- Calculatebreath
- Calibaneur
- calirepublcn
- callistoroll
- CallMeEzekielYT
- callmeloyp
- Camry4sale
- camtalked
- CAN658761462574
- CanadianChud
- canderaid
- CaneVincen18632
- Cankan223
- CanniblizeTwnks
- canthavepudding
- caostik
- Capablancacel
- CapoCapXD691488
- CaptainApppy
- CaptainHanyuu
- CaptainSude1
- carbo_al
- caresizbirkusum
- CaribbeanRythms
- CarinthianCoal
- caritate98
- Carlin087098540
- Carlos450966598
- Carloxxxx2
- CarlTotenkopf69
- CarlZha
- cartographer_s
- CarveChamps
- catalystpvdxp
- CatEmporor
- CathCrusader33
- CatholicArena
- CatholicAwesome
- catholiccowboy0
- CatholicFitz
- CatholicOrca
- catholicwignat
- CatholicXenu
- Catsillyness
- cattokage1114
- CaudilloXIV
- cavanihiveee
- Cayko22
- Cayko41
- CCrowley100
- CDHenry_PA
- CDP1882
- cecild84
- Celesti83064313
- celia_aya
- CelticaIberia
- CeltoScanian
- CelukDevri23946
- cement_czerwony
- Censored_Orsos
- censoreddottv
- Centralspectre
- CEOoFMutsuki
- ceresrexic
- CetelemCarreira
- cey404
- ceydbas
- CeylanSemir
- ch33zus_ftw
- ChadGiga17679
- chadoceto
- chaiteamu
- ChanelHeart99
- chaosatanist
- ChaosTherapy666
- chaoticbyblader
- CharlestonMuse2
- Charlie_Hebdo_
- charlieINTEL
- ChaseOliverStan
- chasmagon
- CheekiOps
- cheeri0fanatic
- cheesecrow81
- CheLA_777
- CheneyStan
- Cherchundo
- CherkessWitch
- ChestyPullerGst
- chezpanzer
- ChibiReviews
- ChickenNigga83
- chickenus271
- chiefkeefmidi
- ChiefofIsaac
- chieftain_guts
- ChiefTrumpster
- CHIMrrshan
- Chindaswinth1
- ChiseHatoriLove
- ChizuCheese8
- ChocoCornets282
- ChocoCornets7
- chocolafawn
- ChokiliciousMe
- Chongxi_Bai
- chordettez
- chornyy_00
- chou_genseki
- chrisdwoodsYT
- ChrisMartynBell
- Christ4Goys
- Christchurched_
- Christcucks2
- christmourner
- ChristoMaoist
- ChrisVizzzle
- chuchulovelyyy
- chuckborris1331
- Chud148810
- Chud1488_10
- Chud1488_11
- Chud1488_12
- Chud1488_14
- Chud1488_17
- Chud1488_4
- Chud1488_6
- Chud1488_7
- Chud1488_8
- Chud1488_9
- Chud1488edits
- chud14_3
- chud_14
- chud_smo
- ChudAustrian
- Chudberg2222
- chudborean
- ChuddyChechen
- ChudFoot
- chudjak
- chudjakcoin
- chudoid
- chudxdxd200
- chudyaoi
- ChudZoomer
- ChungusChiller
- ciginn4
- cikilmiyor
- CilComLFC
- cilonacho
- cimmerian_v
- cinconnsampiyon
- cinecitta2030
- cinnamounss
- CircleOfBlood88
- circles1064112
- cirnosad
- Cirnose
- cirnowaffen
- Cisleithanian
- citehchris
- Citizen_Koomer
- CitizenNill
- Citrusflower25
- CityBureaucrat
- CivGame
- CiViVT
- cjcuffem
- classicsgroyp
- ClawfordEngland
- CLDSgroyper
- clickuu
- cliiimp
- Cloudy0_o
- CloudZTZ99A
- clownntism
- ClownWorld_
- ClwnPrncCharlie
- ClwnWrldDiaries
- CM147143
- cMinhV10
- CNviolations
- coachella
- CoalAgePervert
- coastbrah
- Cobratate
- cobsonite5
- CockusEternal
- Cockusthe8th
- CocoaRoulette
- cocomymy325
- coldblueshark1
- colomo214
- columbineirl
- Combination_K
- ComfyfrenX
- comfypill
- cominginhot40
- CommonTransL
- CommonwealthNie
- ComonwealSadist
- Computer_Ted
- ComradeTomoko
- ConcilOf
- ConckcreteChris
- ConLaw60654
- conscious___
- consciousphilos
- conservativenoa
- content_gulag
- ContentSludge
- ContextDeers
- contextdogs
- controonental
- cookinboxtorch2
- cooking_almost
- coolper15585513
- cooltxchick
- cope_less
- CoquiAdam
- corkatuska
- cornetkun
- cornsyrupchug
- Correction2016
- corsair21c
- Corsair_Cowboy
- CorvusSapien
- CorwinEternal
- CosmosEnjoyer25
- CossackCanuck4
- cosyposter
- cozyglowsrapist
- cr_enduro
- Crack4781
- crackdaya
- Crackedgamer411
- cranber65348955
- crazednet
- crazyclips_
- CreamyFoxGirls
- creation247
- creepydotorg
- crimeTV_
- crimsonredbasil
- CriticalShogun
- CrnaTrava_
- CroatNetwork
- CroatWotanist
- CrocusCubed
- crocusfan
- CroMag1488
- CroMaggg88
- crosschimes
- cruelcarcass
- crustsox
- crybabybuick
- CryingEmojiman
- cryinggsilence
- CSGOEmpire
- CShujin
- cubkicksas
- CultureCrave
- cumfartgrop2
- cumlord3333
- Cumthinky
- cuntserved
- currentlyisme
- CursedGnZeta
- CursedModernism
- CuteCatsMagic
- cutestscats
- cutnclap
- Cutnyannerz
- CvnnyDestroyer
- CyberChesterton
- cycitto
- cynfuk1
- CzarnekP
- czeczeen
- CzeKuku2
- d0ntlookinmir0r
- d1etmntdew
- d3stieldis4ster
- D4vit114
- da_underlord
- DabneyRL
- dadhomiehopper
- daemonsiegeism
- DafDestruction
- DaftHero
- daily_romania
- dailybinturong
- dailyccornell
- DailyDaioh
- DailyMantle3
- DailyMantle4
- DailyManul
- DailyMirror
- DailyOsakaPics
- dailysneako
- DailyTurkic
- Damedaweld_
- Damian01301696
- damnitonii
- damnnyankee1776
- damselvan1a
- Dan0320san
- Dan2018805Dan
- dan291267
- DanCarver1488
- Dance_with_Evas
- danghentschel
- Daniel_Friberg
- danielsoyteen
- Danisadingus_
- DannyDegens
- Daractenus
- dariadoll53391
- DaRillionaire
- darkas1an
- Darkfrostov
- DarkOddCon
- darksadslavic
- darkwanderer64
- Darsam12_
- dash_eats
- datepsych
- DavidProSuperQ
- DavidZsutty
- DayOneTommorow
- DB_hatecraft88
- db_witch
- DBlossius
- DBZimran
- DCarver88
- dd4mn53470
- DD_Geopolitics
- de3STl2EUdK5o0p
- DeadbyDaylight
- Deadmananswer
- deadpeopleclub
- DeadTheory__
- DecentraliseP
- Deckarrd03
- DecolonialFeIIa
- dedd76
- dedgrl
- DeDodensoyne
- deer_daughter
- Deerpostss
- deershouldnt
- DefenderOfKyiv
- deferikovich
- DefiantLs
- DefnotMaru54
- defnxtml
- DegrellePapist
- dejavu_erlebnis
- Delicious_Tacos
- DeltaAbrums1
- DelusionPosting
- deluxxxed
- dem0cracyhat3r
- demarkegaming
- denpafish
- Deportationist
- deprogramsocks
- Der_Parrot
- derbederherif_
- DerGanesha
- derjansinn
- derpytango
- DerRoemer
- derspiegel
- DerViriledHobo
- desikeera
- desilva_frank
- destroynectar
- destroyxisters
- Desuuebu
- Deutchamer49351
- Deutchamerika
- Deutchamerikan
- DeutscherJ1776
- DFO627
- DGeneralneRSZ
- dhibara2e3a
- Dialectiks
- DiamonPrime
- Dianexis
- DianeYapsTeeth
- dichtedenke
- diegofye
- dienormie
- DilllDozer
- dim0kq
- dima_wallhacks
- dinosaurs1969
- Dinozone3
- DirtBikesCheap
- disclosetv
- Discordia_Ch
- DiscussingFilm
- DisgustingVidz
- Dispropoganda
- DissidentDrama
- dittletv
- DividendGrowth
- Divine_Europa
- DivineEuropa
- Divisint
- DixiecratCaucus
- DixieDelinqvent
- DIYautopsy
- DKBK18
- Dking_05
- DMichaelTripi
- DNBmunchedByCat
- DnbPatriot666
- doamuslims
- DocStrangelove2
- DoctorSharting
- dog_daddy
- dogtummy
- dogvillc
- Dogzpizzle
- Dokk_Draws
- DokkanAndRaptor
- dondonbon9
- Donestki_Zellig
- donetskbasin
- DonKozack
- DonnelVillager
- DontShowYourCat
- DontsovianTotem
- DontsovianZvir
- dontstickthatin
- donutknow01
- DonWon69420
- doodles_donut
- Doppelhaken
- dorkfish2
- dory__14
- DotPrescott
- DoutorTropical
- DoveManActual
- DowMayda
- DragonCobolt
- DrakeTheSnake08
- DramaAlert
- DrangNachOsten0
- Dream
- DreamLeaf5
- drecvt
- DrewHLive
- drewjanda
- Drewniak_UwU
- DrewPavlou
- DreyaZei
- DrKarlynB
- DrKillidu
- DrLoupis
- droopy_cock
- drugo_poluvreme
- DSRFanboy
- DubingiaiPrank
- duck_anarchy
- DucuGavril
- dufrianord
- duhodina
- duluxor
- Dumb_Loser1488
- DushkoPoli
- dustindrury
- dvinepunishment
- dvx_fascio
- dw3x88
- dwnews
- dziewuchamiami
- E5S9AryUYLK2fBu
- EasterGammon
- eatgroypray
- Eazy_E394
- eboIascare
- EcceGloboHomo
- ecstacyjunk1e
- Ecstaise
- eddison2006
- Eden_Truck
- Edsylt1
- eeveeithink
- Eewbound
- EGA_Kaaa
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- eggie73
- EGroyper6426
- EHCr1acist
- Ehrenkrieg2
- eidontwannalive
- eire_insights
- Eire_NS
- EireNatSoc
- EisenStratege
- EisenStratege2
- ejejjuk
- El_Rodrigo_13
- ElDonte22
- ElectionTime_
- ElephantCivics
- elfinpsyop
- elhotzo
- Eli_B_Cook
- eliasf95_
- elimin88r
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- elisheva687
- Elitecargasm
- elkofalgiz
- ElLibra6000
- elonmusk
- ElPepe30756339
- elvenism00000
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- Emassey678
- EmbassyofRussia
- emikkzo
- EmncRei
- Empty_America
- emptythepoopoo
- emreaaytas
- EndWokeness
- energy2748
- Engin269259
- EnnuikalART
- EnocTheSeventh
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- Enward_Epheslur
- EnzoYakumo
- epicaricacist
- Epichudly
- epicwawamoney
- eppsteinkignn
- EpsteinsTND1488
- equine__dentist
- eric806359
- EricBhm3
- ericgarland
- EricLDaugh
- EridanosEris
- es2tericdreamer
- es_aion
- esasen44
- EscapedEuro
- eschbornhockey
- ESenergygroyper
- esjesjesj
- eslprofessiona
- EsoShaggy
- EsotericOcccult
- EsotericPoster
- esteban2ton
- EternalLuso
- EternalPortu
- EthiopidGuy
- EthnostateViet
- etkilihaber
- etoilesz2
- eubtw
- Eugenicstastic
- Eurocuck162941
- europathomas
- Europe_Defence
- EuropeanPan
- EuropeanRevolt
- EuropeInvasionn
- EuropeInvasions
- EuropeRiseUp
- EuropidChud
- euroswydd658
- EuroValentino
- evaai_app
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- EvanAKilgore
- evangelionnbot
- EvangelionShots
- EverythingOOC
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- Evil_cobson
- EvilAndAutistic
- evilchudcel
- evilclownnigga
- evildeadthing
- evilesteralt
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- evilmaxxer_
- EvilMediaTWT
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- Evola1923
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- evrkingdomalt
- evrkingdompro
- EvropeanPNW
- ExcclesiaLatin
- ExeNostalgics
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- Exiled_ToA
- ExiledOurus
- eXK_47
- exp_777
- Extra_rendition
- ExtremistLs
- EYakoby
- eztibu
- f4llen_angelz
- factsbalkans
- faelol_
- faggmeier
- faglifesmatter
- FailedDumbFuck
- faithwillsaveu
- FakecelLister
- falcywu
- fallenchungus
- FallenFellas
- FallenSphereLL
- Falloutman1012
- FamasGyatt
- FangGong7
- faquage
- FarFarAwayers
- fariiaak
- FarRightPolls
- fasc1nate
- fascism_kyaru
- FascistG00ner
- FascisticGooner
- FashAesthetica
- fat_gay_incel
- FatBitchFucker
- fatosulahterim
- fawnjunkie
- FAye18VT
- fckmoddy
- FDGO_1488
- FearedBuck
- FedRespecter12
- feedback3r
- femboykaczynski
- FemboysGang
- Femcelkidnapper
- Femshaker
- fentanylblwdart
- FentanylCereal
- FeridunDD
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- FerretPerHour
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- ferryman4747
- ferupity
- fetacheesepls
- fettuce_
- fewmiii
- fffffku_ferre
- FGoodfella
- fidel4s81
- FiendofMorimi
- FightBatch
- Fightflix_
- Fightpal
- Fights_King_
- fightwithmemes
- filialroad
- FilipD58902408
- Filipwolnosc
- filledeputaine
- filmvth
- Filow1337
- FilthyNormie
- Fire_740
- fireflyhour
- FirstNicker
- fischerkang64
- fishbach3431262
- fishJr5
- FistedFoucault
- FixatedonBlkppl
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- FkaGum
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- flatghost36
- flatghost64
- FlatSu
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- FlejolesPatrick
- FlipsieVT
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- FloodTheSwamp2
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- flopgroyper
- flopskibidi
- flopwota
- floridagirl_K
- flowerarcana
- FloydCyborg
- flqatplnner
- flying_crab_inc
- fo_unknown
- FoidChoker
- FoidReipist1488
- folkconcept
- folkishsouth
- folkloreesummer
- FolkwardWP
- follybololey
- folvann
- fooo_zooo
- footbalIfights
- FootistWarrior
- Forbidden_One19
- Forest_motherr
- ForeverCDL
- ForgottenCoal
- ForsetiMoms
- fortunecook_ie
- ForYouClips
- ForzaaTerim
- fractalcounty
- frag_vasiliy
- Fraktur88
- francofreda1984
- FranczeskoJ
- FranekKomuch
- FraudBiosadly90
- FreakRapebob
- freakygaga666
- FreckledLiberty
- Fredward3948576
- FreeSyrianMemes
- FrenlyFrenchBoi
- Frens_Kafka
- FrierenRapist88
- fries_r_up
- frilvoid
- FritzSteiner98
- frjohnwhiteford
- frogNscorpion
- frontline8314
- Frontline_Intel
- frontlinekit
- froppythoughts
- fru1tsalads
- FSGroyper
- FuckChabad
- fuckeveryword
- FuckKoroks
- FuhressBarbie
- FukuyamaFrancis
- Fullerport101
- funkeyjump
- FunkinForNow
- funkyfreak26
- Funny42219424
- funnyhoodvidss
- funtapaz
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- Furanchang
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- Furryfuhrer1488
- furuhatanun36
- fus_roh_dah
- fxknstarsir
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- G34910351
- g_uuus
- GabicusChudicus
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- GabrielAllen_
- gabrielhaynes
- GachaR34Lover
- GaelicCossack
- GAIsATank
- Galaxriel
- galiindo13
- Galiziendeutsch
- gamecubeintroo
- GamerGirlAsuka
- GamingNaner
- GammaLight50
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- GarbageHuman24
- GardenSocialist
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- garlicbr3ad4lyf
- garnivov63763
- GarrettPetersen
- GasolinaLu096
- gatoraded27
- gattax_X
- Gauge16attack
- GaulNationalist
- Gavrilo2HWABAG
- gawsjaws
- GayRapistRacist
- GaySexScaresMe
- gazpachomachine
- GChud88
- gear5hotdogs
- Gebofal
- GemmyNutz
- Gen_Alpha_GOP
- gen_enhazed
- Gen_R_Dyer
- GenARYANwon
- genesistism
- Genki_JPN
- GenocideAfrica
- GenocideAngola
- GenocideNigeria
- GenocidePoland
- GenocideTurkey
- GensokyoChetnik
- Gentilenewsnet
- GenZ_For_NatSoc
- geo__jpg
- Georg_Pazderski
- george_10g
- GeorgeeHWBush
- GeorgeeWBushh
- GeorgeR75471
- Georgs12L
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- GerekSimdi
- GeremyNotherJB
- German4Media
- germantoaster_
- GeromanAT
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- Ghost_of_Krys
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- giant_sandwich
- GiantAgnostic
- gibbo7389
- gibmalzwanni
- GicAriana
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- GigaBasedDad
- Gigacelibate
- Gigishvili17
- Gimbls
- ginediezweite
- ginga_RS
- girboytwinkussy
- girlalcoholic14
- GirlLover1488
- GirlLover276
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- GlassWahran
- Glk34spazz
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- GlomarResponder
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- GoBigG69420
- goblindogcore
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- GodCloseMyEyes
- Godfreytizztein
- GodMarxism
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- GoldenAgeSchizo
- Goldenerschakal
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- GoodReddit
- Goodtweet_man
- GoofAssBoy
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- goonordie2002
- GoratrixPRTeam
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- goreyuna
- Gorgo3X
- gorilkarevo3
- gothic_ritter
- GothShoggoth
- GovtIssuedWine
- GraduatedBen
- GrafSokoloff
- GrafSolotov
- GrandeCalabria
- grandoldmemes
- grateful_father
- greasydago
- GreatPlainsclub
- GreenTextRepost
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- GrenfelArsonist
- GrenfellAronist
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- GreyHun59720021
- GrimTheJelly
- GrkMachiavelli
- growing_daniel
- GroypCorps
- GroyperAustria
- GroyperCunny88
- groypritsu
- groypxitter
- grrrlboyy
- Grumman02
- grunt_eater
- Grxit
- gsmentalitys
- GSoldierboy
- GTAesthetic_
- Guamatticus
- GuangHua1368
- Guileamus
- guneshark
- GunloverClub1
- GunterFehlinger
- GuntherNAFO
- GuptaBrahmin
- gusholderhaber
- Gutieeq
- GuyMr_
- GuyMr__
- GwenithMillie
- gworboy88
- Gwybsy
- GYakov1990
- GyateHunte66510
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- h247mainedition
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- h_lstnr
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- Hail_Paraclete
- hailsquidcult_
- HailZuidAfrika
- hakaelll
- HakimanShanks
- Hal14420
- HalganDahir
- HalieyWelchX
- hallowedOstelog
- hamoramii
- HamsterAbuser
- HamsterBone12
- hana_komach
- handsumquis
- Hangar86
- hann1balsbf
- HannahBerrelli
- HansUlrich1938
- HapaBreeder
- HaramboiDilly
- HarmlessYardDog
- hartgoat
- Harvestman_71
- hashimo99187365
- hashjenni
- haticebrarr
- HatsuneMiku
- HaubiF
- have
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- Havoc_Six
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- hayekyenist
- HazelAppleyard_
- Hazesint
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- headlessaustin
- headwaspriest
- heavenfish2
- Hecatombeameric
- HecklerAndKoch
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- Heilenderer
- HeinrichEnjoyer
- heinrichgoth
- HeinrichHyper
- HeinrichPoster
- Heisenburger888
- heisthedangers
- helgihelgiG
- hellawasserr
- helldivers2
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- Heltir
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- Henrik_Palmgren
- henry_Pringles
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- HerrSchizo14
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- hes_0ur_guy
- hes_also_ourguy
- hesjustlikme69
- Hetmanskyy49
- Hetmanzkyyy47
- hexaglab
- HexerionHexagon
- HeydrichEnjoyer
- HH_Maya83
- HidamariSneed
- HiddenBS4
- highprogressive
- hikkitard
- hildacodon
- him609233371404
- HinduGroyp88
- HisNameWasAH
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- historyinmemes
- Hitlarape
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- HitlerHirobrine
- hitlerianincel
- HitlerNigger18
- HitlerRape14
- hitlersfucktoy
- HitlerWasEvil
- HITlifter
- Hive3Menace
- Hivecicle
- HJC_Appreciator
- hjdhskdhskdhs
- hjuuuhh
- HK_ZER042
- hlwyski
- HMBohemond
- HnySoda_
- HoboNoShotgun
- HolaCampGuard
- hollowearthterf
- Holmgardr
- Holydog1488
- Holydog8314
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- HolyTerrorist1
- homericjihadist
- honeycombpuppy
- hoodcrazy_
- HoodIronyFan
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- Horesmi
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- HorvatKiralysag
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- hoteIIbreakfast
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- House0fAsterion
- HouseOfHorrorCo
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- Howlingmutant0
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- hringhorni1
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- huligan_wolf
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- Human101Nature
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- hundredfaye
- hungrybowtie
- HuntNogs4Sport
- HuntSlavs4Sport
- Hussardu
- hwajuice
- HyanoyouK
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- Hymenop
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- HyperHyper0
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- ickhexe
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- Idlibie
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- IlliaIlliaIllia
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- incelretard88
- IncelsCo
- IncelTelem
- IncredPapist
- IncroyableSauce
- IndianDaffy
- indiansupreme88
- IndianTintin_
- Inducecha0s
- IndustrialYog
- InfamousWigga
- InfraRadical
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- Inki53453
- iNoahGuy06
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- InsightfulAnglo
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- IntelliDes
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- IsaJerusalem1
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- IskoLat
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- IslamicSH_
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- IsraeliteGoy
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- itoldyoumonsoon
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- ItsStillWar
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- IXittter
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- IzzyArcadia
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- Jakub_Priv
- JakubPrivAcc
- Jakubzbanowany
- JalterGroyper
- JalterGroyper2
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- JamesHMowbray
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- JamesRehwald
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- JejsterHitler
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- JNDeutschland
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- johndoe85370735
- Johngalt1991686
- johnisthebestok
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- JohnsonSoyberg
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- kagamidefense
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- KahanePilled
- KaifengKikeKang
- KaifengKikeKing
- KaineIJA88
- Kaiservolk_
- kaitlancollins
- Kaizerrev
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- kalebjackson00
- kaleenicolexo
- KalergiE
- KalmykGroyper
- KamalaHarris
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- kamilahreneee
- Kaminashi_Xeno
- kanekitism
- KangAndShiet
- kankrexic
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- PrincepRayp
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- producerknoidea
- prof_blackpill
- profoballs
- projectkim
- ProjectLiberal
- pronoob28151840
- propagandopolis
- propjoelsays
- Proselyte_Folc
- protectEvropa
- Protector_Sunny
- protectorofohio
- Protectorthe4th
- Protectthewest8
- proudincel
- providenceluvr
- Providnik1
- psd_html5_css3
- PStyle0ne1
- PsychedeliqueNS
- PTemplariusz
- pubity
- PumpkinPuppers
- pun1shedgustavo
- PunchingCat
- Punished_Goyda
- punished_nitrro
- punished_paco
- punished_smo
- PunishedAdler
- PunishedAustro
- punishedflow
- PunishedFoot
- PunishedFraser
- punishedhart
- PunishedHussar
- PunishedLieMan
- PunishedLtD14
- PunishedLynthos
- PunishedOpan
- PunishedOskii
- punishedpants
- punishedpepsi
- PunishedPsalmer
- PunishedSchizzy
- punishedsmo
- PunishedTZD
- pupjanny
- PureVitalitas
- pvn_az
- PvnshedArkhan
- pvwermag23261
- pxl0101
- pyr4midsong
- Q3SB34129X
- qaraboga26
- QIQ2Q3Q4
- qooqum
- QuantumDom
- Quasargoon_
- QueenofdaJuice
- Queq19
- quirkybroke
- quodreanu88
- qvampirella
- R0MASHK0925
- r3bst3r
- R3dJ0k3r
- R_vs_W
- ra_di_le
- Rabbit2967252
- RabbitLoversUSA
- RabiulA54111210
- RaceisRoyalty
- RacePopeIII
- rademuk
- Radiant_46
- RadicalBayes
- RadioGenoa
- radioheadcel
- RadioWeimar2
- radraddles
- ragipsoylu
- Ragnar71115
- rahsh33m
- raincandy_88
- Rainmaker1973
- Rainypainyy
- rajtotaldramaa
- RakeemShabazz
- rammsteinguys
- ramphys17
- ramphys19
- ramzpaul
- Randname6787
- RandomDev06
- RanMah10
- rapeallwomen333
- RapeFoids2Death
- rapeinminsk
- rapeisraelis
- rapelordie
- RAPID_310
- RapistHitIer420
- RapistInOhio
- Raspoppin48
- Raszakkk
- RationalMale
- rationalRob1
- RatPissChugger
- ratton_el
- RawEuropeanist
- rawrjohnnie0_o
- rawrumo
- raymo_g
- raymondafoss
- raypmann
- RayyvanaTTV
- Raz0rGuy
- razedman
- rbmmmmmm
- RDeleen
- Real1Dark
- real_hotaru
- real_lord_miles
- RealBroNat
- realChrisBrunet
- RealComfyfren
- RealDianeYap
- realDonaldTrump
- RealestFarzet
- realfleak
- realguthrapali
- RealGWallace
- RealJohnShepSR1
- RealKiansta
- RealKsero02
- realmattijoseph
- Realnacks
- realNaxta
- RealPepeEscobar
- realposting_
- realRubenSim
- RealSiamese
- realstewpeters
- realUpperThree
- realwow_mao
- Rebel100006
- rebeu_non_deter
- Rebinz2
- RedbullRacist
- redbullsvviings
- Redcattttttt
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- redditberg
- RedditorLs
- redfash39
- redflareinfo
- redhead_ophelia
- rediii15
- RedIncelPolitic
- redpillb0t
- redpilloomfie
- RedPillSayian
- RedResistancia
- reealiistt
- Reefley
- ReginaldofGoof
- ReichF22424
- ReimuWOTD
- Rein_thelain
- Reitarded2
- Remnantize
- RendererSlow
- RENN___3
- reportggc
- repyorGretlaJ
- requeem3
- reshetz
- RespectElves
- ReT0ky0
- retarddumbass88
- retardead77
- retardincel904
- retro_twt
- retroarchivesx
- Rev_says_desu
- Reval1919
- ReviewsPossum
- revolucion39698
- RevRayCistman
- Revuazu
- ReypSanYsidro
- Reyt4rded
- RezeMinh
- reziris
- rfsapDE
- RGame96_fake
- RGroyper98282
- Rhaasty__Boi
- Rhodie_14
- RiceKun
- RichardBSpencer
- RichardHanania
- RichardStrocher
- richwhiting
- RickshawFutrism
- rickyflowsinyou
- rickymessi9
- RightsForWhite1
- RightWingCope
- RightWingG00ner
- rik27xxx
- Rikoaki25
- Rinoire
- rintarou0806
- RitaVetgnano
- RitornellaNYC
- Rividfn
- rjmxrell
- RMXnews
- rndosru
- RoastedPorkCo
- robertpeerez
- Roblox_RTC
- RockeroManya8
- RockieD5
- Rockleohana
- Rockwellian3
- Rockwellian_1
- RockwellRevenge
- RockwellsTopGuy
- Rodo1488
- RogueScholarPr
- RoguesTarkov
- rohmstuff
- ROJ_0713
- RokiVulovi1
- Roman_Zoomer
- romaniasucks
- RomanPublishing
- Romansalutation
- RoninMeta
- RONPollingInc
- rookiemaku
- RootingCorpse
- RootsReturn
- rosebud25681480
- rosecelligence
- RoseMinoan
- RosenvallThe
- rosioire
- Roter_Baron1
- Rothmus
- rottinghime
- rotwurk_
- RoyChiato
- RpeMouthwashing
- RpsAgainstTrump
- RsViper
- RTSG_Main
- ru88ian
- rubbercanni
- rubodubo
- RuckCohlchez
- Rudd1488_
- Rudd8814
- Rudd___88
- Rudd_Q1488Q
- Ruddr88
- ruiruicamovi
- RulerofNV
- RumblyF
- runcarspic
- runews
- Rus_nat18
- rusbearnick
- RusiaDelendaEst
- rusicharc
- russ_nazion
- RussianHuchpa
- russiansiscon
- RussInCheshire
- Russkaya88naz
- Russki192
- RussNRoses
- RustAndMist
- rustbeltenjoyer
- RusynZnatno
- ruttviki_1488
- Ruud1488
- RWApodcast
- rwpopefrancis
- rwxintel
- RyanaBluesFan
- ryangerritsen
- RyDesperate
- RyLiberty
- RyoBackAgain
- RyoJewishChad
- RyouMoonBrahhh
- RyouRacism
- RyouRacismo
- s1dposting
- s8n
- S_Maya88
- sabbot13
- Sabinebli
- SabineMueller__
- SabreKnightly
- saddest_miku
- SadgeMaker
- sadgyalbae
- SadistWilhelm
- SadlyLucian
- SadMelii
- sahouraxo
- SahrynDeserved
- SahrynJustified
- saigonconquerer
- sailaunderscore
- sailoraeri
- sailorxa
- saint_tarkoslav
- saintautist
- SaintKolbe16670
- SaintObie
- SaiyanGod0
- Saizecat
- sakitoga0
- SalafiRapist
- SalayovaFarmaa
- Sam_SlaysAllDay
- Sample2Obtained
- sanawrose
- sandroaufdie1
- SantaDecides
- SaphiraTPhantom
- sapphicyoda72
- sapphiQrina
- SarahAshtonLV
- sardynkachan
- Sargon_of_Akkad
- Sark_BM
- Sartricis
- Sasha_cosplay
- sasheizm
- saturnkvlt
- satyashastra
- saulfacist
- savannahvicario
- SavePGGeese
- saveusculture
- saviorcel
- SaxoDerTeufel
- saxontheorist14
- sayaaaa_owo
- sayorichalleneg
- sb27113
- ScanianSeljuk
- Scaphism4Jews
- scaredy_batz
- SchattigeDer
- SchizoEroticist
- schizogod2345
- schizoidcatho
- SchizoWarlord
- schleiferoni
- schlizzawg
- SchonungslosYT
- scientoloju
- ScionofCulture
- ScissorFighto
- scksgrypr
- ScorpionPilot14
- ScorpyFanGirll
- scottish_g00ner
- Scowlcast
- scrawnysoyboy
- scythianchud
- scythianchuddie
- scythiQngrQyper
- sdortaz65
- seamus_coughlin
- SeanOwe60614333
- SeasonOfLana
- SeattlePupDawg
- SebastosTheLach
- Sebecid
- sech28
- SecretFire79
- secretsqrl123
- SecularTrainee
- sedatesnail
- sedattosun51
- Sedoortwt
- seekinganewlife
- SeeRacists
- seibarape
- selammbenfrodo
- Selbi404_
- SelectivBreeder
- sempmarrow7671
- sempmarrow7672
- senngokuotome
- SenoreAmore
- senpakueyes
- sentdefender
- sentientGirlx
- seppilled
- serasfankarms
- serjalexeyev
- sessizcocuk666
- sethmonogatari
- sevenperfbackup
- sewnal
- SGabardi1111
- sge_forza1899
- SGroypgoys
- sgtnotjoejoe
- Sh1ptoast
- shadowbannedbg
- ShadowMarian83
- ShadowMario83A
- Shady_2311
- Shahenshah_Chud
- ShallLover
- Shallntbe2
- SHALLsausage
- Shamberman3
- ShaneSchaetzel
- shark0mako
- Sharkfrot
- ShaykhSulaiman
- shekelmanc64
- shewasfromohio
- Shimon_sama
- shinjigroyper
- shirtsthtgohard
- shithead983
- shitpost_2077
- shitpostbale_
- ShitpostGate
- ShitpostRock
- shmgroyperoid
- ShoahUkraine
- shoesukey0
- shonenknives
- ShootaCat
- shooter2083
- shooter_maya88
- Shoppy_0909
- shortmagsmle
- ShouldHaveCat
- ShouldHaveRabit
- ShtLnd
- ShubhamTrivedii
- shumichisikan
- ShvartzCarl
- ShyTiget
- sickerthanever
- SideshowArthvr
- SiegeChud
- SiegeChuddy
- siegefemboyawd
- siegeinohio2
- SiegenRosiNacht
- sigma333Raypist
- sigmaboombbc
- sigmailysm
- sigmaturk
- signsofscythia
- sigo_nazi
- sikensokansaray
- Silenced_Orsos
- sillyaddic28
- sillyfarters
- SillySeeker1
- silv_ex
- silverkm
- silvrcandleyaoi
- SimonLangford1
- Since_1944
- Sinister_Maya
- sinister_Maya
- Sinister_sh00t
- SinisterGroyper
- SinisterHuWhite
- SinisterJimiko
- SinisterPatriQt
- sinisterpepsi
- sinopluuk
- Sintashtamaxxer
- SipSipStefen
- siqnotiq
- Sir_Nessa
- SirHarjaz
- sisu_doo
- SixDollarPints
- Skalinskalin
- SkanskaOrden
- Skarkonamas
- SkateDont
- Skeletal_Chap
- Skibidi8814
- Skibidi_NCR
- skibidigluishh
- skibidithug69
- skinnyfingerz
- skinwalkertwink
- SkipSwags
- sklshtr
- Sknnygoorl
- SksksMorti
- skullertron
- Skunk1488
- skunk1489
- Skunk355298
- Skvlvtvn
- SkyGame152
- skynecraft
- SkyNews
- slagmaxxing
- slamdunkDNB
- Slanderrific93
- SlashCzar
- SlashDrawZ
- SlashKnez
- SlashSoko88
- SlashTsar
- SlashVril
- Slatzism
- slavapolsce
- Slavcisrapedme
- SlavFreeSpirit
- SlavicHussar
- slawoid
- slendermmn
- sloncenarodupl
- sloth_groyper
- sloushu
- Slovokoto6212
- Slowlywith872V
- SlyPerformer
- Sm9PVv7UM42pcwN
- smellymoon
- smigglesio
- SModerman
- SmoShibez
- SN_Bogeyman
- SnailEater1488
- Snaut14
- Sneak0o
- sneako
- sneedgeg
- sneedgeg2
- sneedgeg4
- Sneedler_88
- SneedStancil
- sneepsnorp3d
- Sneppler
- snoozaii
- snoozlord
- Snowdog322
- so_trve
- SoapLeopard
- Sobrii_Estote
- SocDemLad
- SocDoneLeft
- SocialistAnime
- SoCoolius
- Sodapepper04
- softcatgf
- software25939
- sogful
- sohaltnh
- Sokratesza2euro
- SolarOrder88
- solarsealor
- solavstral
- SolBrah
- SoldatOdins818
- sole_0326
- SolfJGroyper
- solisolsoli
- Sollertia6
- Solly12345
- solsvril
- solsvvirl
- solvrils
- somethingmoder
- SonderkommandoH
- SOngezellig
- soniachekolo
- SonicSaviorr
- sonofmetropolia
- Sophiechn_
- sorgu35
- sorrowiss
- SorrowSlovene
- sot1977
- Soul0Engineer
- sourhoestarter
- soursweethighma
- SovereignHPost
- sovietpierog
- SoyArgenuto
- SoyCobson
- soyjammy3
- soyjammy5
- sozialerabfall
- space640075374
- SpaceGroypPurrp
- SpaghettiKozak
- sparklefash
- sparkleunicornx
- spectatorindex
- spectrophilliac
- SperglerAcolyte
- spermoholik
- spiegelbro
- spitontheground
- Spoog331292
- spookysad
- sporo_bobu
- SprateH
- springbrease
- springmonologue
- SprinterFamily
- sPyramid_Head_
- squalid114617
- Squee____
- SquidDiddly1989
- sranysovok
- SRBinWakanda
- SSgtKotyk
- sskat14
- staartasy
- StaatSozialist
- stairwayto3dom
- Stalingrad35757
- stan_okl
- Stanislavick_1
- stardewenjoyer
- stardiyu
- Starfinga3
- starmavericksab
- StarryObl
- StarSky38890387
- starving_ray
- Stathopoulos_Th
- stats_feed
- stawberryhachii
- staydishonored
- StebV0
- Stefan54_
- stepgodkbm
- StephenG4242
- Steve_Laws_
- SteveLovesAmmo
- stewie_great
- SteyrACR_real
- stickyseals
- stillgray
- Stock_marketIND
- stoic_sith
- Stone_tossers
- stonefacemoyai
- StonewallJack88
- stparabellum
- straalgeweer
- strepsiades69
- Strokey369
- Strollie
- strwberryyeojin
- stug3a
- Stumptown161
- stupidevilidiot
- StupidGayShark
- StutteringCraig
- Stvart42
- succudream
- succuyoru
- SuckCowgirlTits
- SudokuKads
- suhexile
- Suk03Ph__
- SumDooood
- sumlenny
- SummerAhrens
- SumWetod
- SUNILCH29333520
- SunniSocialism
- Sunny_Protector
- Supahdenning
- supb_i
- supreme_auth
- supremewhitepwr
- SureBed88
- surfboardmonky
- SurMMR
- SurrogConcern
- susedfornothing
- susforsomething
- susmalbebee
- SuspectFed
- sussedonceagain
- sveaskallen
- svevladium
- svhibe
- SvinolovIzTCK
- svvnmermaid
- swagcatalunya
- swartgevaar1
- sweetbackpapa
- sweetlynxes
- swiftswar
- SwillOfTheKnave
- swordgunlimited
- Sy1vied
- syberGhoul1488
- syberGhoul88
- sylintactgrate
- Sylvie48064650
- SynAnarchy
- synth0zoid
- Syrian18032011
- Szabadsag1956
- SzMarsupial
- Szybwtyk
- T5Fwtf
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- T_90_M_2024
- T_tuoopp
- TachankaKity
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- tahubaccem
- taigacuddles
- TaigaGChew
- TaigaHusband
- taigaracist
- tailsthestupid
- takaoka0313
- takbardzokoniec
- takeru43376794
- takomerp2
- takujisgf
- talexratcliffe
- talleyberrybaby
- tanad00
- tanoarruinado
- TanyaGroyper7
- taranzaa
- tarkoslav
- taru_NIKKE
- taruto_53
- TateNewG
- tauruslovesmel
- Tavish301
- TBatmobile
- teaakitty
- teabutch
- TeamTrump
- techmiena
- technoJrReal
- TeddyHammy
- teenage_father
- TeenMonsPubis
- telavivsoldiers
- telavivwillfall
- Telepeturtle
- Temeun
- TemosdnaH
- tempel0vbl00d
- Tempel0vBob
- TempelOvBobPL
- templariosccp
- TempleofBS
- tempmillionare
- ten___0919
- tenebrislux_
- tengenwifeyy
- TensaiGuren
- tentohaezeru
- teppo
- Tercerist1683
- TerribleMaps
- terrorproforma
- TestoDionysius
- tetosteronee
- TetZoo
- TeufelDesRheins
- TeutonicAesthet
- TexasWhitePride
- texhengist
- TF208No6
- Tf2Nina81004
- th0785
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- Thabrodster55
- Thalia__K
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- thatwouldbeok
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- The_Hellenist
- The_LuckyLou
- the_nutmanOG
- The_Petrichory
- the_stewie
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- TheAntifaTurtle
- TheAtlantic
- theavatarshawn
- thebaccamizer
- TheBeAManGuy
- TheBeowulf8814
- TheBoysOOCC
- TheBoysTV
- TheBrutalNature
- theCatholicZ
- TheCatsX
- TheChitoChan
- thecoooldue
- TheCumpound
- TheDeadDistrict
- theduke1642
- TheEssentialMi3
- TheEternalKraut
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- TheFigen_
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- TheGloriousLion
- TheGman_98
- thegooseisloos6
- thehawkcaptainX
- TheHawkTuahMeme
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- TheInfamousNik
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- TheJordanRachel
- TheJumboDragon
- theKrabs_11
- theliamnissan
- thelonelyguycel
- theLopBopian
- themythicalgri2
- TheNewTemple
- TheOfficial1984
- Theonewhocums_
- theophysicus
- theotokosdove
- TheRabbitHole84
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- therealugs
- therelien_
- thermal_s
- TheRoyalSerf
- TheRyouRacism
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- TheSawsis
- theseriousone_
- theshariaking
- TheSickeningFag
- TheSliceofAnime
- TheSolanist
- TheSteelHelmet
- TheSun
- TheTheocrat
- TheTrooper971
- TheTrueAltLeft
- thevisionsofgem
- thinkdefence
- ThirdPosition06
- thisusertwtss
- thltd_
- ThomasVLinge
- thominyourside
- ThreeToneMalone
- Throwaw47822061
- thrulls
- Thuislander
- Thunor8
- tiegirlsup
- tigris_aurea_33
- tijhel
- TIKhistory
- tillieiskawaii
- tim0cy
- Tim_Lutze
- time4cx
- Timelord420
- TimOfTheNight
- TimothyDSnyder
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- TitoistGoonerSS
- Titx1300
- TKHero1994
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- TMacdef
- TND_Chud
- TNDarthVader
- TNDAsuna
- TNDConsultant
- TNDEnjoyer1
- TNDinDonbas
- TNDMaya
- TNDNowPlease
- TNDPractitioner
- TNDUkraine
- TnWhiteMan
- TobiasOnigger
- todesbund
- Toffeemanbun
- togableeds
- toidmwald
- ToiletNiga
- TolePostingGems
- TomanosCZ
- TomboySmuggler
- tomhfh
- tomiperez_
- tommyfromhere
- TomokerRayp
- TomokoNipples
- tomokoshusband
- TomS38256360
- tomselliott
- Tonini08
- TopGyaru
- toranosuke_fer
- torben_kassler
- TorchTheEarth__
- Toriadus
- TormentAfricans
- torturedincel
- torturedvesseI
- TotalDigNeath
- TotalDorkacide
- Touccchybob88
- toyyprincess
- tp_p_pt
- TPostMillennial
- Tr00peRR
- Trad_West_Art
- Trail_Cams
- Trajan_Princeps
- transit_simp
- translationshot
- TransLiko
- trashgunkk
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- TravelGov
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- TreborRhurbarb
- trenchartist
- TriarchAlt1998
- Trimbakjo
- Trismegia
- TrmpelnVnAugust
- TRobinsonNewEra
- Trollentes
- troller21488
- trooncel88
- tropenfrucht
- tropentarnation
- truboparubok
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- truffaldino_w
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- Trutenzmaz2
- truthtroll_X
- Tsahkna
- TsaristVaryag
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- Tscherkessien
- tsllavv
- tuanawrld
- tudmangroyper
- tulpapilled
- tummypuncher999
- TunerScene
- TurkicNatsoc
- turkish_aryan
- turkiyeliata
- tweet4anna
- tweet4Anna_NAFO
- Tweet4AnnaNAFO
- TWifeChristine
- TwinkleWrldOrdr
- Twinkplug
- twiznizzlenore
- TwoFacedOff
- twtaddictt
- tyc001x
- Tydrum2
- tylerfrombrasil
- TylordianWake
- TyrianRaypist
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- tyycolly
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- UCL_Holocaust
- uhohslater
- ukr_arthistory
- UkraianaB
- UkraineBf
- Ulfy___
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- Ultimaterepgod
- ultimatoms
- UltraDane
- ultrasnotreds18
- umuisgamer
- uncle_deluge
- uncledoomer
- UncleJuan777
- Uncommonsince76
- unconquered_sol
- UndeadPrussian
- underdormant
- undumpishh
- unhingedgermany
- UnHollySmartazz
- UNI1850
- unicouniuni3
- United24media
- UnitedCircassia
- Universe__Lover
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- UnlostA46067
- unloversciub
- Unmeito1488Kani
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- UpdateNews724
- UpdatingOnRome
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- Usernametood
- userse_xi
- Ustasebreeder
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- uwuhimex3
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- Uyghurs4China
- uyu0527
- VA336699
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- VAB20mm
- VABRapist
- VAcasual47531
- vaevictistnd
- VagrantTravels
- vagrantwires
- Vainfeln
- VajrayanaHitler
- ValdivianBear
- valefar88
- ValentinaForUSA
- ValentinLis2
- ValsitsorH8
- ValsitsorHH
- vampdyre
- vampirexblood_
- VampWolfDoll
- VampyIsDumb
- VampyrHeft
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