welcome to the x/twitter archive

Welcome to the Twitter/X archive on, where you can see the preserved knowledge and wisdom of the Abundant Life Christian School shooter and related accounts.

A number of tweets were saved in public archives before the accounts were made private or suspended. This page aims to make them easily available to anyone interested in the backstory and aftermath of the shooting, Samantha and those closest to her, and how it all came together.

DISCLAIMER: content of this page is based on publicly availabe archive sources, so is limited to what was saved in those sources. In particular for now, text only. Some accounts do not have all their tweets, especially if they were privated at any point. There is nothing here that is not already publicly available elsewhere. For more information how this site works, scroll to the bottom of the page.


more to be added whererever sources exist ... get in touch if you know any others should be added

linked tweets from other users:

click show/hide

how the site works
click on a username to view their tweets, bio history, other handles and known alt accounts
click on the date of a linked tweet to view its details, references from/to other tweets, replies, retweets, quote tweets and mentioned users