post by @CatEmporor
back to @CatEmporor's posts@Alex_Oloyede2 @VDAREJamesK He is American, they have a strange obssession about race, skin color, genders and so on. They can not wrap it around their head that people are different and this is why their failed nation and system is now slowly dying.
And I am not talking about the idiocy of EU and imigrant
And I am not talking about the idiocy of EU and imigrant
Aug 3 2024 11:25:48 AM
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The Clawed Conqueror: CatEmporor, First of His Name, Sovereign of the Shredded Realms and Warlord of Sinister Scratches
- Sanctum of Supreme Scratches
registered Jun 8 2015 8:44 AM
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Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺
@VDAREJamesK What's wrong? Muslims and Buddhists have always been part of Russia.
We proudly have 180 ethnics, we do not care about your skin colour or your religion, if you fight for Russia, you are Russian.
And who is this "z bros" and saving Europe? Europe is gone.
Aug 3 2024 11:13:04 AM
We proudly have 180 ethnics, we do not care about your skin colour or your religion, if you fight for Russia, you are Russian.
And who is this "z bros" and saving Europe? Europe is gone.
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🆆🅾🆁🅻🅳 Affiliated Media.
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Freedom of speech for all. I Support the Donbas. if you don't like it f* off.
- United World
registered May 1 2022 12:12 PM
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- Occupied Virginia
registered Jul 1 2019 2:33 PM
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references to this tweet:
@CatEmporor @Alex_Oloyede2 @VDAREJamesK He's black
Aug 4 2024 1:00:36 PM
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