post by @Ninranu

back to @Ninranu's posts
Ninranu outside a bag of milk outside a bag ofmilk @Ninranu
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are valid.
You are…
Jun 30 2024 12:51:09 AM
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(user follower/following numbers are from most recent capture, name/bio are from time this tweet was posted where possible)

i follow cool pfps
  • location Capital of yapper city
registered Apr 9 2024 3:17 PM
2727 following

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Asuka @Asukaunderneath
There are so many things that aren’t.… (⊹)
Jul 1 2024 12:47:29 AM
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