post by @nitrrogen__
back to @nitrrogen__'s postsThey simply paid tribute to the Mongols (and later the Golden Horde). They remained the exact same state regardless. The Muscovian principality during the Rus was the same one that united Russia.
3. The Grand Princedom was moved from Kiev by the time of the late Rus.
3. The Grand Princedom was moved from Kiev by the time of the late Rus.
Aug 11 2024 10:22:15 AM
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Explaining Russian brutality in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
registered Jul 5 2024 4:21 PM
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1. Saying any state is a successor of the Rus is wholly inaccurate. The Rus was not a state, it was merely a collection of principalities who were loosely united due to shared cultural and ethnic heritage.
2. Muscovy, Novgorod, etc, were never directly part of the Mongols. 🧵… (⊹)
Aug 11 2024 10:22:14 AM
2. Muscovy, Novgorod, etc, were never directly part of the Mongols. 🧵… (⊹)
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Explaining Russian 🇷🇺 brutality in the Caucasus and Central Asia
- Wagner PMC deployment in Syria
registered Jul 5 2024 4:21 PM
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