post by @nitrrogen__
back to @nitrrogen__'s posts@Baba_podll @B7Willem Germans:
>Start a war of extermination
>LARP about being superior ubermensch
>Call you a Bolshevik if you point out their cognitive dissonance
I get that they're going through the 5 stages of grief over WW2, but it's been 80+ years and they're still on denial.
>Start a war of extermination
>LARP about being superior ubermensch
>Call you a Bolshevik if you point out their cognitive dissonance
I get that they're going through the 5 stages of grief over WW2, but it's been 80+ years and they're still on denial.
Sep 6 2024 9:37:43 AM
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Explaining Russian Brutality
registered Jul 5 2024 4:21 PM
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in reply to:
Marci 🇵🇱🍂
@B7Willem @nitrrogen__ You are brave for posting this as someone to claims to be oart of the country that started and simultaneously lost both wars they started
Sep 6 2024 9:35:50 AM
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| Christian ♱ | girl posting |🧯|
- 15/Poland
registered Aug 16 2023 5:11 AM
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